Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And so it begins...

Hey! Alright so this is entry numero uno! It's my last day here in Maryland visiting family and what, and let me say, it's been amazing! The longing and missing I've had so burried deep in my soul sense i was seven years old (when I moved away) has been overflowing out of me. It's so hard to handel and I'm seriously on the verge of breaking down. I remember my life here when I used to live here and it's more like a faint dream I used to have a lot, rather than memories from the past. It's been SO long sense I have truely been here, and it feels like I came back home. When I visited a few years back, it wasn't coming back home for a week, it was coming to visit family for a week. This time, it's me coming back home, and it feels wonderful. I almost don't want to leave. So anywho..

Tomorrow I fly out to New York to begin my semester with Metro! I'm so excited! I can't even explain it! I have been waiting, anticipating this for so long! :) I will try to come on here every night to tell about my day, I'm sure sometimes the post will be really long, others maybe really short, and others somewhere in between. One thing i can garruntee, is that I will poor my  heart into these posts, almost like they will be my diary. So try to remember what I write, is how I feel in that moment. So one post I may sound real angry, one maybe real sad, the next one probably real happy, just know that that's how I felt as I was writing it.

Also! Know I am the worlds most terrible speller. So feel free to correct me :)


  1. Ha it's Jessi! This is how to comment.. if you want ha you don't have too..

    so click where it say _comments, and then it opens to this window, choose your options write your note and click publish your comment when you are done!

  2. lol - good to know your weaknesses... however be assured you're probably not the MOST terrible speller so it's not that bad... keep those posts coming!

  3. I have to agree, BabyBear. Visiting MD rocks!
    One of the benefits to being a Navy "brat" is that you have several "hometowns". And after were born in MD.
    Everyone in MD couldn't say enough wonderful things to me about you during my visit.
    You and Kenny are my greatest source of pride.
    I know you are going to have a Great time at Metro and change the lives of many!
